Thursday, November 5, 2009

The last week has been very busy for me. I've gotten a calcium infusion, hydration, blood transfusion, 2 platelet transfusion, chemo-Vinchristine, lumbar punture for chemo, and a bone marrow tap. I should be going back into the hospital next week for my next round of inpatient chemo. This round I had a lot more nasea and vomiting then the first round. The family is holding up well. Loghan is going to full-time daycare-thanks Ms. Monique. Travis is still working full time and his work lets him take me to appointments when needed. My Mom was also able to take me to Seattle this week.


  1. Tiffany...I am Stacy (Wilson) Johnson's mom. I am so sorry to hear of your cancer. You will be in my prayers. Your little one is adorable. Take every day as a special day and make it the best. We have a BIG God and I know He loves you and can heal you. You are very brave and you are in my prayers! Sandy

  2. That is a busy week! As always, I thought of you from the check stand. :) My little store had a little fire last Sunday, which made for an interesting day that day. All is well though! Will continue to think of you and pray for you and your sweet family. You're amazing Tiffany!

  3. Thanks gals. I appreciate the support. : )
