Friday, July 1, 2011

1rst Year Follow-up Results

The most important news: NO CANCER! But, as a result of my new immune system not completely accepting its new host, I have Graft Vs. Host Disease. This is fairly common with everyone that has a donor-even perfectly matched donors like mine. This is treated with immunosuppressing drugs. And since the perfect combo of drugs to combat GVHD has not been found...I signed up to be part of a study. I was randomly assigned a 2 drug combination: Prednisone and Sirolimus. Unfortunately, both these drugs have lots of side effects. So, while taking these medications, I also have to take a cholesterol lowering, lipid lowering drug, pneumonia preventing drug, and a virus preventing drug. My pharmacy is loving me again!

Friday, June 24, 2011

June Update

As I had mentioned last update, I do not have any diagnosed GVHD. But, I do have suspected GVHD. Because of this suspicion I am headed up to the SCCA next week to do my 1 year post-transplant round of appointments. My main symptom of GVHD is tightness in my muscles. For example, it is sore and uncomfortable to sit cross-legged right now. I've been noticing it for awhile and feel like it is getting worse. I talked with the nurse at the SCCA and they felt it is time to come into the SCCA for an evaluation. Muscle fascitis is most often irreversible. Since my 1 year appointments were only a couple weeks away anyways, they moved up the appointments. This is my schedule for next week.....

Monday: fasting blood draw, consult with MD, sedation, and bone marrow biopsy
Tuesday: eye doctor, dentist, pulmonary function test, nutritional consult
Wednesday: DEXA scan, PET scan, gyno exam, physical therapy evaluation
Thursday: conclusion conference

Here's to continued remission and no hiding cancer.

Hope all goes well.

Oh, and the odds are on my side after 1 year. The mortality rates go way down after the 1 year mark.

The next thing on my agenda is writing a letter to my donor. It has to be anonymous, because she is from Europe and over there the rules are that you can only reveal personal information after 2 years. I cannot say anything that would reveal where I am from or anything that could identify myself. I really don't know what to say. What do you say to someone that donated something so personal? My blood type has now changed to her blood type. I now have her blood DNA. Weird....I know.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

May Update

     So, it has been a long time since the last update. It is time for some new information. I hate it when I find cancer blogs on the web with no updates because I always wonder what has happened to them.

     In general, I am doing pretty well. I am currently seeing the oncologist once a week. For awhile, I was going every 2-3 weeks. That ended when I got pneumonia and wasn't getting better. Now I am back to weekly. Usually these visits consist of a blood draw, wait for results, and go over blood counts. I still do a Neupogen (G-shot) once a week to keep my white blood cell counts above 4. This is so I can fight off infections. My hematocrit is back to normal. My platelets still are hovering around 60-70. (Normal is 150-400) I am under testing to see if I am making an antibody that attacks platelets. If that is not the reason they are still low, I will probably need a bone marrow biopsy to see what is going on in the marrow.

     I am down to two prescribed medications and a complete drawer full of medications that I need to take in to one of those medication recycling programs. One is acyclovir. This is to prevent getting the chicken pox virus. I am not longer immune to any of the childhood immunized illnesses. I get to start over again on immunizations in July. The other medication is hormone replacements due to chemo and radiation. I also take a handful of vitamins and other over the counter supplements.

    I have no diagnosed GVHD (graft disease). This is a major complication from a stem cell transplant. It is where your new donated stem cells attack your body because it does not recognize it as its own. Complications can range from minor (like red skin) to major (like organs shutting down resulting in death). Since a majority of stem cell recipients from donors get GVHD, I am always thinking I have it. Every little bump, weird feeling, and sore muscle starts me thinking....what if it's GVHD? I am sure the longer I am cancer free, the better it will get.

     In July it will be my 1rst birthday! I will be back up in Seattle at the SCCA for 1 week to do all my 1 year check-up appointments. I get to see how well my body has recovered from all the toxic battering it has endured. They check everything including your mouth, lungs, heart, bone marrow, ect. And I will start my immunizations.

    Some may be wondering what the long term affects of all the chemo and radiation are. The thing that I notice the most is the numbness in my feet. I have seen a podiatrist and there is really nothing to treat it. I will likely always have numbness in my feet. Also, I don't grow armpit hair. (I know, bummer, huh?) I don't know if this will last forever or not. I have a new allergy to egg. I am gradually getting my energy back. I've read that the #1 complaint from transplant patients at 1 year is fatigue, so I guess I am right on track.

     Meanwhile, life has gone on at the Forslund household. My hair is growing out into a nice pixie cut for summer. We have a new puppy named Eldy. (LD for loghans dog) For those that know the transplant rules, I know I am not supposed to have a puppy until 1 year post transplant. But, some rules are meant to be broken, right? Plus, I am almost there! We are planning lots of camping trips for the summer to make up for last year. Loghan is in soccer and loves superheroes. Life is good.

The family at Relay for Life in Auburn.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Things have been going well, considering. I am continuing to recover. Feeling more strength everyday. If all goes as planned I will be done with my immunosuppressing drugs in January. This will let my new immune system run free! This will also let me be a little less careful on what I eat, where I go, ect. At the same time I still can not get immunizations for everything until 1 year post transplant. I am much more into the Christmas spirit this year. We actually put up lights, a tree, and decorated this year. Last year, I was in and out of the hospital and just wasn't in the mood. (Although we did have some awesome secret santas last year that decorated and made sure we had a great Christmas.) My blood counts have continued to get closer to normal. Next month I will have another bone marrow biopsy to make sure I still have no residual cancer. All is well over here in the Forslund family :)

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Day +103 Blood Transfusion

What better time to update! I am getting a blood transfusion today, so there is not a lot to do for the next 5 hours.

I am now done with the transplant doctors at the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance. Today was my last appointment with them. Now, I am going back to the 4th floor at the SCCA. Back to my old oncologist. I no longer have anything implanted into my body for blood draws/transfusions. After a port, 2 Hickmans, and 2 PICC lines, it is nice to be done with all that. I now have to get poked in my arm for lab draws and an IV inserted for infusions.

Today, my hematocrit is 28 (26 on Monday). My neutraphils (I call 'em neuties for short) were .81. So, I had to get blood and a G-shot. The doctors are not too worried about the low counts. They say that around 30% of people still need this type of support at this point and I should not need them much longer. Getting blood when you are low is like an energy drink anyways. I feel great afterward.

I turned in the keys to my secret getaway in Seattle on Saturday. Travis, Loghan, and I headed up there on Saturday, packed up, and said goodbye. No more Pete Gross House. It has been great being back home.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Finally, an update! Day +65

Sorry, it has been a long time since my last update. Fortunately, there has not been anything too exciting to report. I got out of the hospital after 6 days and a new PICC line.

I was running a fever a couple of weeks ago, but it was during Seattle Cancer Care Alliance hours. So instead of going to the hospital I went to the SCCA's transplant triage. My fever was not very high, so I just had some cultures taken and a biopsy of my skin. (I developed a fleeting rash while I was there.) Turns out I have a mild case of GVHD (graft vs host disease). Since I have no symptoms, there is nothing needed to be done to treat it. I am also starting my tachrolimus taper. Tachrolimus is the anti-rejection/anti-GVHD drug. I will be tapering it until January, but at least it's a start. The side effect that bothers me most is hand tremors.

In a couple of weeks, I am starting my "exit" appointments. These are all the specialists that I saw before the transplant. They check to see how things have changed since the transplant. For example, the dentist will see if my mouth is dry after radiation. (yes, it is.) And the OB/GYN will check my hormone levels to see if I need hormone replacements.

I have also been home to visit Travis and Loghan in Puyallup a couple of times. As I get further out from transplant my appointments get less and less. My lovely sister-in-law is putting on a fundraiser in Puyallup tomorrow and I want to go, but have been advised against it. I am still at high risk for getting infections and can not get any of my immunizations for a year. (yes, I have to start over with shots again). Thanks for all your hard work Tara! I can't wait to see the pictures.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Back to the Hospital

Tuesday night I developed a fever of 101 degrees. You are supposed to head to the hospital with anything over 100.8. So, we headed over to UW (my Aunt Sue and I). I was hoping not to "check-in", but that did not happen. Shortly after getting there I developed shaking chills. Then my blood cultures from my central Hickman line came back positive for bacteria. I ended up being admitted and they pulled my Hickman line. I am now on antibiotics for 4 weeks and will be here until at least Monday when the Picc line nurse can put in a Picc line. I can't leave until I have a semi-permant access so that I can administer the IV antibiotics to myself. Heres to another week in the hospital ; )